Membership fees 2020-21

You will be pleased to know that your committee has agreed to keep the membership fees at the same level as the past few years.  For the 2021 season there will be no entry fees for the evening 10s for entitled members, saving £4 each race.  Our club subs are due for payment on 1 October, the beginning of the financial year, and not the calendar year or racing season.  Note that, if you were a paid up member of the Redmon during 2020 you will have received an important message in your copy of the newsletter.

If you need to rejoin, you can pay online through the Paypal system on this page (subject to a small fee to cover the bank charges) or pay by completing a membership form and posting it with your cheque to the club Treasurer.  Download a form here.

Online Payment of Membership Fees

To pay online please make sure that you read the instructions carefully.  Select the your membership type from the list, fill in your contact details, and click the “Add to Cart” button, and then ‘checkout’. If you have a Paypal account, log in and click the “Agree and Pay” button to confirm payment. You will receive an email confirmation that your payment has been successful. If you aren’t registered with Paypal, you can use your credit or debit card, by just filling in the details at the first confirmation screen. Ensure that you select the option to PAY NOW.

1) To make sure that our records of members’ contact details are correct, please ensure you complete the telephone numbers’ box.
2) Second claim members must enter the name of your first claim club in the other details box.
3) Family membership includes all family members over the age of 18, living at the same address, and is first claim.  You must complete ALL names on the membership form for it to be valid.
4) Honorary Life Members must download and complete a paper membership form and send it to the membership secretary / treasurer to continue their membership of the Club.
5) Vice President’s should complete the checkout as First Claim Adult, and indicate in the other details that they have been elected a ‘Vice President’.
6) Please note that to be a member of the Redmon Cycling Club you must be over the age of 18.  Sadly due to British Cycling’s new rules for Safeguarding, we are no longer able to accept Juniors.

Membership Category
Home / Mobile tel nos
Other details

We will be continuing with the newsletter through 2021, although it may not be as regular, and it will depend upon contributions received. The aim is for there to be at least one before the racing season, and one at the end of it.  However, due to the cost and administrative effort needed it will be emailed to you, so please make sure that you do review your email account on a regular basis, and ensure that it does not go into spam! Special dispensation will be made for members with no email address, or those for whom accessing the internet is particularly difficult – if you complete and send in a paper membership form there is an option to pay for the postage of the Newsletter.